Our Team

Alex Goff

Director of Darwin Limited.

Mairi Bown

Locality Team Leader

Susie Aldred

Senior Support Worker

Gemma Jeanes

Senior Support Worker

Chloe Coombs

Compliance Officer

  • Alex Goff

    Manager/ Director of Darwin

  • Sam Argent

    Localities Manager

  • Danielle O'Connor

    Locality Team Leader

  • Emma Randall

    Locality Team Leader

  • Mairi Bown

    Locality Team Leader

  • Chloe Coombs

    Compliance Coordinator

How can we help?

Darwin aims to enable self-direction. We are only part of the journey and we will help join up the pieces to allow you to live your best life!

Our commitment is to;

  • Always listen.

  • Support you to achieve your goals and live life the way you want

  • Empower you to always know your rights.

  • Support you to maintain and develop relationships

  • Help you to explore and access your community.

  • Continually review your support and enable you to change things, where needed.

  • If mistakes are made we will own them and make it right

  • We organise meetings and involve those they trust, including their friends, relatives and other professionals to discuss outcomes and positively move forward.

  • We will develop a tailored support plan, making sure everyone knows how best to support you.

  • We understand at times things may be difficult and we want you to know that we wont give up and will do the best we can to help.

Alex Goff

“Feeling valued and being part of the local community can have such an amazing effect on an individuals wellbeing”